Isn’t that going to explode??? Or in Tagalog “Hindi ba sasabog yan?”

There are enough people that we meet that have never driven their car hard and definitely not to redline because “baka sumabog” well I’m here to tell you that no, Hindi yan sasabog. The car is designed to shift at a little or at the redline on your tachometer, it’s designed like that an hindi yan sasabog.

Another question has to do with making power. We’ve posted enough big 50-60-70 and even 100hp gain on vehicles that we get the question, “will this reduce engine reliability?” The short answer is no. And the more persistent will ask “how can it not? You’re stressing the engine beyond it’s designed performance”

This is best answered with bullet points

1. What most people forget or don’t realize that maximum power of the engine is almost always achieved at or near redline. The numbers on the brochure and everywhere on the internet are MAXIMUM power numbers, which is only achieved with your foot to the floor. When you’re stuck in traffic or cruising NLEX at 2500-3000rpm your engine is making a fraction of the maximum, usually 20-30% only

2. When shops like us do modifications, we usually quote peak power and max power gain. Peak power is made at redline, max power might be somewhere else like 3500rpm. All engines are overbuilt from the factory, it’s just the standard way of doing things in manufacturing. You don’t build say hammer to work only a specific number of times and then break. Plus it costs the same to over design something and to design something specific. Manufacturing wise, the cost difference between making a 1” thick hammer and a 1.5” thick hammer is negligible, so better go with the thicker design for the same cost.

3. As for the over stressing the engine with an additional 60hp, once again remember how maximum power is achieved? Full throttle. In the lifespan of your car’s 150,000km, realistically how many kilometers can you drive flat out at full throttle? You’ll be hard pressed to come up with even 500km of upak driving, and that’s 0.0033% of the mileage of your car. So no, you are not stressing the engine out. Or in easier terms to understand, that few times you take viagra to enhance your performance will not cause your dick to fall of or to stop functioning well into your 70s