My very selfish reason for liking this pandemic

WARNING: Woke all inclusive maawain bleeding heart snowflake scum can stop reading now.

“How’s business for you guys during the pandemic?” Is a question everyone seems to be asking me eve since we opened shop last May 18, 2020. To be honest I was a bit tepid on how it would turn out, Will there actually be people who will go to the shop, with all the “strict” quarantine passes needed and all? What about my people? How will they get to work?

Well turns out things have a nice way of resolving themselves. Most of my people have motorbikes and the primary and key people that I need, have had cars literally land on our lap.

As for customer, well everyone that has a car is as anxious as I am to go out because of the following:

This is a once in a lifetime event where EDSA is deserted and driving is AMAZING. Granted this post is a few months late but if own a car, and like driving, this is a dream come true. So this is the perfect moment to unleash the power of your car and apparently the customers want more, hence why we have a slew of power upgrades done to all sorts of cars, from Montero to Suzuki’s.

As for all the “hardships” you keep hearing on the news, get real bitches. NO ONE DIES OF HUNGER in the Philippines, NO ONE. Even the poorest of the poor beggar doesn’t die from no food.

With that out of the way, it’s very simple. If you have a car, and high chances are it’s more than one, you are:

1. Not starving to death or have a lack of food.

2. Have a sturdy roof over your heads.

3. Your kids and family are enjoying the bonding time cooking at home and eating together.

4. You have internet. Lots of time to use it.

5. Your monthly expense have actually gone down. Lower fuel cost, no going out, no eating out, no gimik nights, no shopping, no movies, no extra curricular, etc etc

6. You look online what to Gastos.

7. Financially you’re well off and once again, not starving to death.

So that means that the market I cater to, isn’t affected at all. I live near the Megamall Podium area and on the day where the mall shops have opened, I have seen people walk out with a big ass TV, a Dyson vacuum cleaner, and a Rolex watch. So the poor and begging are definitely not people who need and want what I have so sell.

So yes, business has been good so far.